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Happy Mothers Day!

Sunday, 30 March 2014

Hey Everyone!

Happy Mothers Day to all you wonderful mums out there! i hope you had a really nice day with your children! 

But a special Happy Mothers Day to my mummy, my best friend, she has been my rock my whole life and i don't know what i would do without her, i can't thank her enough for everything she has done for me, we have been through so much together but we've came out the other end fighting! before my transplant my mum spent 24 hours a day with me but now she enjoys her life like she should! she's the most, loving, caring, kind, MAD and the strongest woman I've ever met :) she drives me mad sometimes but thats what mothers do haha! i love her millions and hope she's had a great day as she deserves it! 

my mum <3

made her breakfast in bed haha! 
my mums presents from me and my 2 sisters

Tomorrow i leave for London at 10am for my fundo op clinic on tuesday, may have to see the transplant team also as my lung function is low, and haven't been feeling myself for the past couple of days :( 

family means everything

Thursday, 27 March 2014

hey :)

i was looking at my award i won for 'child of courage' and i was thinking of everything that has happened since i went onto the transplant list and now i have my lungs! it has been such a roller coaster ride, i wouldn't of been able to do it without my families encouragement, i don't mean to sound vain but what if i didn't get my transplant in time? my mum would be lost because she's been with me the whole time, my dad would just not speak and my sisters wouldn't be the same ever again! i was thinking of the day i got my call and when i rang and told Louise(my sister) that there was some lungs available, the first thing she said to me was "don't worry Kate i will see you in a couple of weeks, everything will be ok" i was thinking thanks Louise that helps haha! and Sam(my other sister) just burst out crying and said good luck, me and my sisters are very close! normal sisters argue all the time but we never argue! so i guess were not normal :P when i rang and told my dad about the lungs he thought i was saying that my lungs were hurting and i didn't want to go out with him that day, as we was going on a day out! but when i saw my mum and dad for the first time after my transplant i was so relieved that it was over, but i had a long recovery! i had so many cards and presents from people i didn't even know and its was so overwhelming, Louise and Sam came up and the first thing we all did was cry! i had missed them so much i couldn't wait to see them! 

i probably wouldn't be here now if my donors family didn't say YES! they have done such a wonderful thing and one day i hope i can thank them in a letter! please please please sign up to be an organ donor, i know i said it in my last post but its so important! PLEASE!!! click ... here! and sign up!

UPDATE on my health.. so my neutrophils decide to go low when i need to be at school because my exams are only 6 weeks away! I'm soooo annoyed but it can't be helped! i just wish my bone marrow would kick in a take over! I'm having bloods done again monday before we leave for London as i have that clinic for my fundo op on tuesday! so i won't be able to go back to school until next wednesday! i really want to do well in my exams! 

speak soon! 


R.I.P Kerry Thorpe

Saturday, 22 March 2014


This morning i got told some bad news about another cfer.. Kerry Alex Thorpe. sadly she passed away last night at 9:20pm with her dogs, fiancĂ© and family by her side, Kerry was waiting for a transplant and was waiting for a long time! but unfortunately her call didn't come in time, she's was only 23 years old. she was the strongest person i knew because she went through everything! i wish she got her call because everyone deserves to live their life! if their was more organ donors out there then maybe Kerry would still be here and had her transplant! so please sign up to be a donor.. just by clicking here
please do the right thing <3

Kerry Thorpe: Beautiful 

Also today i went to big sheep to do some photography at a kids 2nd birthday party! it was such fun, i love seeing kids running around and enjoying there self! i took over 250 photos! there was a sheep that looked like a hippy and hey had pigs there! it was a good day! 

Yesterday i found out that i leave school on the 20th may!! it feels so weird because that means school is over forever! its time to grow up and be who i want to be! 
I'm getting my eyes tested tomorrow as sometimes things go blurry and i keep getting headaches! so hopefully that gives me an answer about it :) 

speak soon! :D heres my.. 


spring days

Thursday, 20 March 2014

hey guys,

So last weekend on the friday i went to my friends house and had a chilled night and had Chinese, had a bit of fun and was dancing around the front room! :) it was a nice night and it was nice to relax and have fun. On the saturday we decided to go to Instow beach, it was really sunny but it was rather windy! we sat on a wall and just chatted really then after a while we got a bit cold so we went into Instow arms and i had a hot chocolate, which was lovely! they added marshmallows and whipped cream! :P saturday night i decided i needed to do some shopping so i texted my sister and asked her to come with me and she said yes so we went shopping on sunday! i spent £47 in new look on jeggings & 2 tops! then i spent £36 in topshop on some new jeans, and then we went into boots and because I've just started using no7 foundation i wanted to get some no7 skincare products, so i bought day cream, night cream and a cleanser! :) its made my skin really smooth! that came to £15 because it was on 3 for 2 and i had a £5 off voucher ;) monday i went to school and i found out that i got a C in my English assessment! I'm actually proud of that because I've missed so much school so i didn't think i was going to get a C! :) Tuesday me, my mum and dad had to travel to London because GOSH wanted to see me because i had chest pain and was coughing up blood that time! we did the usual: bloods, x-ray, lung function and then seen helen spencer, my lung function is still 90% and weight is stable and has stopped going up now! x-ray looks normal, Helen spencer said i had chest pain and was coughing up blood because when i had my bronc there was some secretions stuck in my lungs and it was causing me pain! so it wasn't anything to worry about! but its better to be safe then sorry! :) so everything is okay, so we left GOSH about half 1 and got home at 6, today i went to school and i received my timetable for my exams I'm taking! my last exam is friday the 13th of june! and its a maths one! 

on the 1st april i have an appointment at GOSH to see a doctor about my nissen fundoplication and hopefully they have a date for the operation! whilst they are doing the op they are going to take my feeding tube out, i really want it out before my prom in july! 

if anyone wants to get in contact with me here is my:

bronc & hospital stay

Friday, 7 March 2014

heya my lovely blog readers! here is what has been happening.. on the 27th i went up to gosh to have a bronc on the 28th, we had to be at gosh for 1pm for clinic, my lung function is still 90% and my weight is 45.55kg :D my x ray looked the same as the one from my last clinic in january :)) in the night me and dad went to have tea in giraffe and then went on the London eye! it was such an amazing view at night! every thing was lit up and it looked so pretty! i had to sit down a couple of times because i was getting dizzy haha. then on friday it was the day of my bronc, we had to be over at GOSH for half 7:30 because i was first to go down to theatre at half 8, i  always hate being put to sleep! they had trouble trying to find a vein to put the cannula in, they had to try 5 times!! :( finally they found a vein and off i was to sleep!! when i woke up i felt sooo rubbish as you normally do after an anaesthetic and having a camera down your throat is gonna make your throat really sore too! but everything was okay so they let me come home, we left at 4 and got home at half 10, i hate the journey back from London because it always takes longer getting home then getting to London! on saturday i woke up and my throat had swollen right up! i looked like nutty professor! i could hardly eat or drink :( but my sister bought me some ice lollies and magazines :) then monday i went back to school as my throat had gone down! :) yesterday i went to the hospital for some bloods because my neutrophils have been low again so they needed to be checked again, but after the hospital i went into town with mum quickly before i went back to school as i didn't have any lessons until after break, and i was walking and i was feeling a bit out of breath but i didn't take any notice of it, i got to school and i was walking up the stairs and i had his sharp pain in my lungs and i was really out of breath when i got to my english lesson, but it settled down after 5 minutes but the pain was still there, so i went to first aid and they sent me home, mum rang GOSH and they said i needed to go to my local hospital to get checked out. we didn't get there until 5 as there was a lot of hassle! -.- they sent me for an X-ray and then i had an ECG and bloods, the X-ray looked fine and my ECG was only a little bit different from the last one i had but nothing to worry about, they wanted to keep me in over night as i was also coughing up blood, but after coughing up blood a couple of hours later my chest pain was gone! but today they said they didn't know why i had chest pain and breathlessness but i coughed up blood because my platelets are low so i can bleed and bruise easily! but I'm feeling so much better today :)) so the doctors let me home! I've had chill night and had a kebab and a had a bath with a lush bath bomb in it :) 

here is a picture of london at night :))

London at night :)) 

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