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family means everything

Thursday, 27 March 2014

hey :)

i was looking at my award i won for 'child of courage' and i was thinking of everything that has happened since i went onto the transplant list and now i have my lungs! it has been such a roller coaster ride, i wouldn't of been able to do it without my families encouragement, i don't mean to sound vain but what if i didn't get my transplant in time? my mum would be lost because she's been with me the whole time, my dad would just not speak and my sisters wouldn't be the same ever again! i was thinking of the day i got my call and when i rang and told Louise(my sister) that there was some lungs available, the first thing she said to me was "don't worry Kate i will see you in a couple of weeks, everything will be ok" i was thinking thanks Louise that helps haha! and Sam(my other sister) just burst out crying and said good luck, me and my sisters are very close! normal sisters argue all the time but we never argue! so i guess were not normal :P when i rang and told my dad about the lungs he thought i was saying that my lungs were hurting and i didn't want to go out with him that day, as we was going on a day out! but when i saw my mum and dad for the first time after my transplant i was so relieved that it was over, but i had a long recovery! i had so many cards and presents from people i didn't even know and its was so overwhelming, Louise and Sam came up and the first thing we all did was cry! i had missed them so much i couldn't wait to see them! 

i probably wouldn't be here now if my donors family didn't say YES! they have done such a wonderful thing and one day i hope i can thank them in a letter! please please please sign up to be an organ donor, i know i said it in my last post but its so important! PLEASE!!! click ... here! and sign up!

UPDATE on my health.. so my neutrophils decide to go low when i need to be at school because my exams are only 6 weeks away! I'm soooo annoyed but it can't be helped! i just wish my bone marrow would kick in a take over! I'm having bloods done again monday before we leave for London as i have that clinic for my fundo op on tuesday! so i won't be able to go back to school until next wednesday! i really want to do well in my exams! 

speak soon! 


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