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Sweet 16 & GCSE Results

Thursday, 21 August 2014

Hey guys.

Yesterday was my 16th Birthday (20/08) i had a lovely day even though i haven't been feeling very well for the past week or so but on my birthday i just ignored it! i had lots for my birthday, but its not all about the gifts, spending it with my family is! i had a party in the night! it was a masquerade themed party but we didn't wear our masks haha! there was a sweet table, cake and Chinese :) but i had an amazing sweet 16th! i know i always say this but thanks to my donor i was able to celebrate it! and i hope i can celebrate lots more! 

well well well, today was my GCSE results day, i was dreading going up to school and opening that envelope so i didn't open it until i got into the car and i got.
English - D
Maths - E 
Science - I'm not gonna say that one! LOL
Textiles - F
Child Development - D 

lets just remember that i missed nearly 2 years of education because of receiving a double lung transplant so i'm pleased with that result, i never liked science anyway and was never good at it! but today i had to go up to the college because i didn't get the grades i needed to get into Health and Social Care Level 2. So me, my mum and dad went up and spoke to someone and they said they are not doing Health and Social Care Level 1 because there is not enough people to go into it, so they offered me a place on Child Care Level 1 and to retake my English, so i can get into level 2 next year :) 

I am now an advocate for Live Life Give Life, so please can everyone go onto our Facebook page and like it! the link is here.. Live Life Give Life 

did i tell you guys that i have a job now?! oh yes.. i have a job in Wimpy! i have my first shift tomorrow, I'm so nervous haha! and i go to Hungary on Saturday which I'm super excited for!! :D 

Friends at my party 
My sweet table!! 

Messing around with the balloons haha! 

speak soon!


One Year Post Transplant

Tuesday, 12 August 2014

Hello everyone.

On the 10th August 2013 at 3:15pm i went down to theatre to receive the Gift Of Life, thanks to an organ donor. i was in theatre for 8 hours having my horrible old lungs removed and having shiny new ones in! i was in ICU for 10 days and on Bear ward at the Great Ormand Street Hospital for another 3 and a half weeks. 

A year on i am a healthy, happy teenager enjoying my life. i have had a few problems on the road but nothing i couldn't handle, I've done many things i wouldn't of done before my transplant, e.g. go to the beach, walk around without having a struggle with my breathing, play with my nieces and nephews and lots more! but this is all because my donors parents/loved ones said YES to donate his/hers organs! organ donation is such an incredible thing to do and i just hope my donor is looking down on me and is proud, words will never explain my gratitude for my second chance, so on the 10th august me and my family celebrated, not just for me but for my donor! We went for a carvery at the Park Hotel in Barnstaple and then afterwards we went to the park and set off some balloons for my donor, i had a 1 year post transplant cake and 65 roses! in honour of my donor i have a memorial patch in my garden which has stones, flowers and angels in :) i hope i have many more years too look forward too!

so as i always say, please please please sign up to be an organ donor just by clicking.. here

I'm off to London today for my Annual review at GOSH tomorrow :)

here are some photos..

me and mum 
my cake 

65 roses 
letting go of the balloons for my donor

memorial patch for my donor
65 roses 

Speak soon


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