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A Dream Come True

Friday, 21 November 2014


My dream has come true and i am going to DISNEYLAND in February, with college!! i am so excited! were leaving on wednesday 4th and we get Thursday all day in the disneyland park! and coming home friday! its only 1 day in the park but I've always wanted to go to disney and it will be amazing! :D I'm really happy i get to go with the friends I've made at college because we've all got so close and always have a laugh so it wouldn't be as good if i wasn't going with them! :) 

Just one downfall .. next week I'm going to Great Ormand Street for my Fundoplication, if you don't know what that is then here is a small explantation that i copied of the GOSH website :P… A Nissen's fundoplication is an operation used to treat gastro-oesophagael reflux. It uses the top of the stomach to strengthen the sphincter so it is less likely to allow food, drink of acid to travel back into the food pipe. I will be at GOSH for 5 nights and then will come home :)

One more thing, I normally organise a walk every year but last year we didnt do one BUT next year the Tarka walk is back! its in Barnstaple and the money will go to Live Life Give Life! if you would like to take part then please comment on my blog post or on Facebook(link below) we are hoping it will be bigger and better next year!

As always, thank you for reading,
speak soon
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1 comment:

  1. The op will be great for u, I had it done september last year and it was the best thing on the world. Just dont rush back into eating to early, I did and it hurts so recovery took a little longer. Hope it dose u wonders too. Xx


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