hey everyone.
I'm sorry i haven't wrote in 16 days!! I've been pretty busy with everything!
on the 14th july i went to Butlins with my family, it was a pretty good week! i loved spending it with my auntie, cousin, nan, and great nan and of course my mum and step-dad :) we went on the family fun bikes round the site and on the Tuesday we went down to the beach and i wrote in the sand about my donor, i wrote: '10.08.13, the day an organ donor saved my life' we also did crazy golf haha! when it came to friday 18th and leaving day, i didn't want too leave but i was so happy to get into my own bed on that friday night! i haven't seen much of my house and dogs recently because of being at GOSH and then going into my local and things so I've missed it/them!
Tuesday 22nd July- me, my mum and dad travelled to GOSH early because i had a Nuclear Medicine Scan at 3:00, i had lie down for an hour and every now and then breathe in this gas thing, they put something on the telly so i wasn't that bored :P
Wednesday 23rd- GOSH clinic day, this day i was little nervous for because i didn't know what Helen Spencer was going to say, i hadn't seen her since she said she suspects i have rejection, but thank fully she was very happy at how i am now and kept saying 'well done' the methylpred seemed to have worked and i am better again :) my lung function is 75% and weight is stable :) for the last couple of times when I've been doing my lung function, I've had to do a step test also. The first time i could only do it for 1 and half minutes but last week i could do 2 minutes! My doctor Helen Spencer said that i can go on holiday next month to Hungary with my dad, and also the test i did on tuesday came back normal! so everything is looking good for me again! well except for my hair problems, my hair is really falling out a lot so I've decided to have it cut short again!
I've completely changed my mind at what I'm doing at college, i was going to do Health and Social Care level 2 but I've now applied to do a apprenticeship for Hair Dressing instead. i have an interview on Tuesday, i think i will enjoy doing hair and if i don't like it then i shall apply for Health and Social Care the following year.
Its my 1 year transplant anniversary on the 10th august, so me and my whole family are going out for a meal :) on the 20th august is my 16th birthday and I'm having a Masquerade party and then on the 23rd i go on holiday to Hungary :) i have GOSH clinic again on the 13th august just one last check up before i go on holiday!
Don't forget to sign up to be an organ donor.. click here.