the 4th of april was the last day of term and i had my leavers assembly, my tutor made a slideshow about us and it was really cute! she put me, amber, amelia and kirstie down as her organisers and all of our tutor got student of the term, for being part of awesome tutor group! :P i really am going to miss Mrs Mitchell! and its going to be weird not going to school again! it feels like I've only just got back into it and now i have to leave again but this time it will be forever!
its only been a week into the holidays, I've been shopping, I've been buying clothes again haha! also I've been going into boots and getting pictures printed of for peoples leavers books and sorting my book out! I'm trying to get everyone to write in it soon as when we go back to school we only have 17 days left and then we leave!! and I've also been revising, having mcdonalds and yesterday i started work, its only a job to work in the holidays, its cleaning cottages, me Tiegan(my childhood best friend) and her mum and friend cleaned 5 cottages!! i was knackered by the end so went home to have a nap haha!! but nothing stopped me from walking to mcdonalds with mum last night ;) I'm working again on monday :) I've applied for a job in Pizza Hut and New Look told me to take in a CV as they take on school leavers :) my first exam is only 4 weeks and 3 days away!! ahhhhhh.
for the rest of the holidays I'm mostly going to revise and maybe work!
but in 12 days i go to see Mcbusted with ella, i have mentioned ella before, i met her through having my transplant, ella has had a heart transplant and because she has a spare ticket to see Mcbusted she said i could go! my dad is driving me up there and we will stay in a travelodge over night :) and also looking forward to seeing ella again :)
ohh yeah.. i was in the north devon gazette on the 2nd of april! and then i was in the north devon journal on the thursday just gone!
i only have the link to the journal so here it is..
one of the beds me and Tiegan made, we was pretty
proud of it haha!! |
speak soon!