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Happy Easter!

Sunday, 20 April 2014


Happy Easter everyone! i hope you all had a good day and got all the chocolate in the world! i had a couple of easter eggs! i got an eton mess one from my dad! :P and my mum got me these 2 minions things with creme eggs inside! i don't really eat much chocolate so i didn't want many eggs! but i had a good day, my sister and nephew came around for a bit, also i saw my dad and step brother, when i gave him his easter egg, (it was a one direction one as he loves them haha) he said "oh thanks, I've had 2 one directions eggs already but its alright because poppy likes one direction now" poppy is my 10 week old baby sister! I'm sure she sits there dancing to one direction all the time haha! oh and i hope you all had a lovely roast!

I've had to stay in again as my neutrophils are low!! but I'm having bloods again tuesday and hopefully they are back up because i go back to school on wednesday and then go to see Mcbusted on thursday so i only go back to school for one day and miss thursday and friday! since having to stay in, i saw that the first Harry Potter was on telly and i had nothing to do so thought, why not watch it? because i have never seen the Harry Potter films before, but i got really into it and then decided i needed to watch the rest of them, so i borrowed them of a friend and since yesterday i haven't stopped watching them! I'm on the 6th one now, so tomorrow i will be watching the 7th! :) today got to enjoy easter all healthy thanks to my donor! 

so do a good thing this easter and sign up to be an organ donor! just click... here! 

speak soon! 


1 comment:

  1. Mega intrigued here...did u take a pic of the eton mess egg, really would love to see what it looks like. Myself and my girlfriend love eton mess and this would have been perfect!! X


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