Yesterday(28/10/14) i met my closest CF friend Faith, we have been speaking for over a year on Facebook, texting, we never spoke to each other on the phone or went on Face time, but she is like my best friend, Faith is the same age as me and we went through GCSEs at the same time, so it was really good that she understood because she was doing them as well. i can speak to her about anything and i can always count on her when i need to talk to someone. anyway… yeah yesterday i met her for the first time and it was a really good day, Faith came to my house and gave me my birthday present which is nearly 2 months late :P she got me a Lush(bath stuff) birthday gift set! We went to Pizza Hut and then went into town and me and Faith decided to get our ears pierced, well she had her first holes done and i had my third. After a while, me and Faith was saying that our feet were aching so we came back to my house, ate some cupcakes and then my sister Louise decided to join us and meet Faith and Kerri(Faiths mum), they went home about 5:30pm. Then i went to bed to watch The Vampire Diaries and i felt really tired as it was a busy day. But overall it was an a wonderful day and it was lovely to meet Faith and Kerri, next time, me and mum are going up to theirs :)
We had lasagna at Pizza Hut |
My third holes done! |
My Lush set :) |
As always, thank you for reading
Speak soon

Hey!! Fantastic on meeting new people. Just out of curiosity though, bcoz u both have CF does it mean that u can now finally b in face to face contact because of have ur transplant!? If so that is brilliant!! Xx