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Little Rays Of Sunshine.

Friday, 26 September 2014


This afternoon i looked after my baby sister for a a few hours as i don't go to college on Thursdays and Fridays i had nothing to do, so my dad asked me if i could look after her, i was so excited because as some of you may know that i am very close with my sisters and i love them very much. It was a really good afternoon, my oldest sister Sammy and her youngest daughter Molly came to my house too. of course i took some pictures! 

My niece Molly, she tried to do the pout with me haha

It took me a couple of attempts to get this picture, either Poppy was waving her arms about or Molly was pulling a really funny face! (this is the best one i could get haha)

Poppy in her pram all ready to go out!

Molly also in her pram ready to go out. We took a trip to Tesco to get some shopping.

I couldn't resist not putting Poppy in a hat that i saw!

Sammy had to push 2 buggies up the hill as i could not push a buggy up a hill, i would of been on the floor at the top! LOL 

When we got back from Tesco Poppy was tired and she just wanted a cuddle.

My dad picked Poppy up at half 4 to take her home :(

Then my Nephew came to our house (my sister Louise's son) and we was looking after him for an hour! My sister Sam decided to put on a shower cap and make them laugh ALOT.

My Niece wanted to have a go too LOL, she looks so cute and innocent!  

Then my Nephew also wanted to have a go with the shower cap on, his face says it all... i think he tried to look cool, smart and not bothered :P 

This was a really short writing post… but its more of a picture post, i just wanted to show off my baby sister, niece and nephew! 

Thanks for reading..

Speak soon


Heavens Angel

Sunday, 21 September 2014


Two years ago tomorrow i lost a very special friend due to Cystic Fibrosis. My beautiful Lucy Wilton was taken away from us on the 22nd September 2012, Lucy was waiting for a double lung transplant but it never came in time. me and Lucy was very close, there was not a day that i didn't speak to her, i remember once we skyped and we wasn't shy at all, we had millions to say, i would do anything to hear her voice again. Lucy was a brave, strong, inspirational and a funny girl and she will never be forgotten. She was always bubbly and never let Cystic Fibrosis get her down, there was always a funny side to things! Lucy couldn't fight anymore, she fought as hard as she could but CF did the thing its best at and took her away :( i will never every forget the chats and the laughs we had. I will be thinking of Lucy's family and friends tomorrow.

forever in our hearts Lucy Marie Wilton <3

please don't forget to sign up to be an organ donor! click.. here!

Speak soon!


Harry Potter Studio Tour

Sunday, 14 September 2014


i went to Harry Potter studios in Watford yesterday(13/09/14) it was such an amazing experience, i loved it so much. inside you are basically taken on a tour of the Harry Potter filming experience at the studios where all the films began. It took us about 2 and a half hours to look around, there's so much to see, theres original sets, costumes, props, creatures and models. I only watched the Harry Potter films about 4 months ago but i fell in love when i saw the fist film: Harry Potter and Philosopher's Stone so i decided to watch them all! 

now for some photos.. 

The Hall - one of the tables.

Ravenclaw uniform
Slytherin Uniform
Gryffindor Uniform
HufflePuff Uniform

The Ice Sculpture 

The Clock Tower

of course i had to try some butterbeer- it was rather odd tasting but it was nice! but of course its not everyones cup of tea! LOL

Privet Drive

Diagon Alley, its nothing you would expect! (it's indoors for a start!) but theres so much detail involved! with having Gringotts Bank at one end and Weasley brother's joke shop at the other.

Gringotts Bank

then you turn a corner and see this magnificent thing! its Hogwarts! its so impressive, i took a big gasp when i saw it and you can walk all the way around to look at everything and take photos from various angles. 

if you are a Harry Potter fan then i would recommend you to go to the studios! it really is amazing! 
tickets can be booked in advance here.. you also have to book a time slot to visit, but you can do this any time after buying your tickets. 

speak soon!


The Positives and Negatives

Sunday, 7 September 2014

     Hello my lovely blog readers.

My holiday to Hungary was really good! although it was thunder and lightning when we got there and for the first 2 nights its was raining! but it turned out to be nice weather the last 3 days! we went in the Siofok tower and you could see the whole of Lake Balaton, we did a lot of shopping, and one day we went to Budapest! i didn't really try anything that the Hungarian eat so i just stuck with spaghetti bolognese and pizza! :P When we got back i went into my bedroom and my mum, sister and mums friend had decorated my room!! I'm so in love with it! but also when i got back i wasn't feeling well, but i left it for a couple of days because i thought it was just that i'd been on holiday and was just tired and because it was my first day of college on Wednesday 3rd!! but on Tuesday 2nd i decided i needed to get checked over so me and mum went to the hospital and my doctor at my local spoke to GOS and they decided to put me on IV antibiotics just to be on the safe side, then when my blood results came back my CRP was high so GOS said i needed to be on IVs for 5 days, i was on ceftazidime and colomycin, i hate ceftazidime because it stings so bad going through a cannula(as i don't have a port anymore). My lovely doctors at my local hospital decided to let me go to college on Wednesday! i was late but i got there! i had to go with a cannula in but i didn't care because it was my first day at college, i wanted to go because i wanted to see the people in my course, get my timetable and things, my timetable actually starts tomorrow(monday), I'm really looking forward to doing child care! :) on Thursday, the day after college my body seemed to just not want to do anything, my legs wanted to always fall to the floor when walking, everything i picked up was heavy and i was just so tired! also, my tongue was felt very coated and my mouth felt horrible, but i know that was the colomycin because I've had it before and that has happened :( but none of that stopped me from doing what i wanted to do! 

On Thursday i took some hours out of hospital so me, my sister, dad and his family WENT TO LOOK AT CARS.. FOR ME! we have a Motability car at the moment but my dad drives it and its due to go back in october and because I'm 16 now, i can learn to drive early as i have high rate Motability, so i am getting my own car! we went to the Peugeot, toyota and BMW garage to look at a Mini Cooper, the next day we decided to go back to Peugeot and order a Peugeot 108! we went for a drive in it and i love it! but we couldn't order it then because there was a problem so we are hopefully ordering it thursday! :) yayy!!! 

I'm out of hospital now and finished IVs but we will probably have to go up to GOS for a check up soon, even though we have an appointment for october 8th i think they will bring it forward. Me, mum and my stepdad are going to Harry Potter Studios on Saturday! i love the Harry Potter films so I'm super excited about it! 

caricature picture of me haha! 

My Henna Tattoo(turtle)

Water boats 

speak soon!


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