Hey guys!
So because i love christmas so much i wanted to do the christmas tag.. its answering questions about some of my favourite things to do/watch/eat at christmas! I've already finished my christmas shopping and put the dec and tree up because we was going to GOSH for my fundo but has been cancelled :( (At least i can eat my christmas dinner) anyway back to the tag.. Here are the questions…
1. What is your favourite Christmas movie?
i love a few Christmas movies e.g. Home alone, The santa clause, Love actually, The grinch. But i have to say my favourite would probably be ELF! its just so good and gets every one in the christmas spirit!
2. Do you open your presents on Christmas Eve or Christmas morning?
we open our presents on Christmas day, but sometimes mum lets me have a present on Christmas eve :)
3. Do you have a favourite Christmas memory?
Well just having my family around makes so many memories, i love it. Every one is just so happy and excited, especially my nieces and nephews! and when i go to my dads house, he does a little buffet for us! ahhh i just love Christmas!!
4. Favourite festive food?
it has to be the Christmas dinner!!! and maybe all the chocolate you can eat ;)
5. Favourite Christmas gift?
i love all my gifts every one gets me! but my favourite gift of all every year is being alive! i am so thankful to my donor and their family for letting my live my life again! <3
6. Favourite Christmas scent?
Last year i had a real Christmas tree in my room and i loved the smell of that! and i love the smell of Christmas dinner! :P
7. Do you have any Christmas eve traditions?
We get everything ready for Christmas day, watch a Christmas film, and of course eat chocolate! :)
8. What tops your Christmas tree?
We have a Star every year on our Christmas tree.
9. What is your Favourite Christmas song?
This is such a hard question! okay.. i think it would be.. 'I wish it could be Christmas everyday' i absolutely love that song and of course i actually do wish it was Christmas everyday!!
10. What's the best part of Christmas for you?
So there's my Christmas tag! i tag every one to answer these questions, you can comment them on here if you want too! :D
As always, thank you for reading
Speak soon

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