Hello Everyone!
I hope you've all had a lovely weekend! On Saturday I went to Cardiff to see One Direction On The Road Again tour and McBusted were their open act whilst they were at Cardiff. Dad drove me and Olivia up there, we was worried as the day before there were 45 mile tailbacks but thankfully it wasn't too bad but the seeing 1D and Mcbusted live one word.. BRILLIANT! It was so good! this is the third time I've seen 1D now and it was by far the best time! It was even better that I had Olivia with me because I could scream as loud as I wanted as I knew she would as well haha!
I can now tick off that I have seen McBusted live on my Bucket list! I've wanted to see them since they became one band but every time they've had a tour I've been to unwell to go! so I was very excited to find out that they were One Direction's opening act in Cardiff! they sang Year 3000 at the end and literally everyone was singing along to it and it was such a great atmosphere!
Tomorrow I start Radiotherapy and I'm starting to get really nervous but you have to think positive in these situations! the trial run went okay last Friday so I'm sure it will be just as okay as that was.
I've heard some devastating news about my friend Emily who I've spoke about before, she has took the brave decision to stop her treatment, she cannot keep being in pain and suffering! please can you keep Emily and her family in your thoughts at this very difficult time! I first met Emily at her 1 year transplant party, she was so happy and smiley, made everyone laugh with her humour, she is so loved my lots! She came and walked The Tarka Walk 2015 even though she had rejection, that was the last time I saw her. I will always remember her big smile, she was smiling even though she was going through so much. Emily said to me that we will fight this battle together but knowing that Emily will no longer be in pain and suffering has made me cope with it a little easier but it will be so hard to see her go. I hope we meet again one day Emily, I will keep our memories close to my heart forever, I love you.

Here are some photos of Saturday…
As always, thank you for reading
Speak soon

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