I had transplant clinic at Great Ormand Street yesterday and it went okay, rather good actually little bad news but.. lung function has gone up a little bit to 68% which is good, around a week ago it was just about coming up from 50% and weight has gone up! I'm on 20mg of pred now but still eating anything I see so my cheeks are like hamster cheeks! when I was discharged from GOSH 2 weeks ago they did a blood test to test my antibodies and the results came back positive for Antibody-mediated rejection in my lungs, so I'm going back to GOSH on the 9th February to start treatment for it, i'm still allowed to go disneyland next Tuesday which i am soooo excited for!!! I am feeling much better then I was when I was in GOSH and my walking has got a lot better, I'm still getting out of breath a little bit walking like up stairs and hills but most people get out of breath doing them haha!
I will talk to you all after disneyland because of course i'm going to do a blog post about it!!
As always, thank you for reading
Speak soon